The IMF (Impossible Mission Force) is trying to stop the latest incarnation of evil, Solomon Lane (Sean Harris), from assassinating all the heads of state as part of a master plan conducted by the Syndicate, an international crime network. He is a strict purist, a defender of the peace, a human superhero, and as the CIA head (Alec Baldwin) puts it, “the living manifestation of destiny.” (A few critics commented on the guffaws provoked by this line-nobody laughed at my showing in Montreal, but oddly enough, at the end of the film there was a round of applause.) In short, Hunt is to spies as the Dalai Lama is to Buddhist monks. Cruise's character, the indefatigable Ethan Hunt, is a man who has a guardian angel sitting on his shoulder so that no real harm can ever befall him. This film may at times be a little overwhelmed by the many chase scenes, but the plot keeps the audience guessing about which double agent is betraying whom.
#Mission impossible 5 review professional#
But how many actors could perform that stunt even with a harness? One gets the impression that Daniel Craig takes an island vacation when it's time to film the stunts-he relies on a professional double to do the risky stuff. However, he has been harnessed so that if he had slipped in the filming, he would have presumably survived, falling only a few feet before being secured. It is Cruise himself hanging on for dear life to the side of an airplane that has taken off and become airborne. It is not an optical illusion or a stunt man. However, he has been harnessed so that if he had slipped in Tom Cruise really does risk his life in the opening scene of this movie.
Tom Cruise really does risk his life in the opening scene of this movie.